Welcome to the VSolidus® mining pool. Below you can connect to the pool via Mac, Windows or Linux machine. You can monitor the miner stats via the tab button, rewards will be paid out after you have mined one full VSolidus® coin.

Getting Started

Download the miner for your operating system and unzip the file.

Windows | Linux | Mac OS

Run the miner using one of the following:

Share Difficulty 8 on stratum+tcp://pool1.vsoliduspool.com:3008

Share Difficulty 512 on stratum+tcp://pool1.vsoliduspool.com:3032

Share Difficulty 61440 on stratum+tcp://pool1.vsoliduspool.com:3256

minerd.exe -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp://pool1.vsoliduspool.com:3032 -O WalletAddress:AnyPassword

./minerd -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp://pool1.vsoliduspool.com:3032 -O WalletAddress:AnyPassword

Mac OS:
./minerd -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp://pool1.vsoliduspool.com:3032 -O WalletAddress:AnyPassword

Note: Please use a wallet address from VSolidus® Core V4 or Nova Wallet.

Current Statistics

  •  Algorithm: scrypt
  •  Total Miners: 1
  •  Hashrate: 1.65 MH